New York Climate Week
Altru Climate Project will host its 3rd NYC Climate Week meeting in conjunction with the Atlas Capital for those building and funding breakthrough climate technologies. Investing in Climate Technology.
On Tuesday afternoon September 24th thought leaders will gather to discuss the role of private capital in decarbonization and technologies that can accomplish such. It will also showcase the launch of the Hydrogen Consortium a global collaboration to advance energy tranistion.
Focus on Hydrogen and Built Environment. Insights from leading investors describing strategies in these two sectors will present. We will also present promising early-stage investments in both areas from around the world. Panels and presentations to include:
The Role of Hydrogen for the energy transition.
Ready to Scale. Green Hydrogen companies ready for global markets.
Decarbonizing and adapting cities to climate change.
Best Investment Ideas in the built environment and adaptive cities.
In addition, there will be roundtable discussions on topics including:
Climate Investing: Conversation between LPs and GPs
Critical factors in the Climate Transition.
Climate Adaptive Cities: Utilizing technologies to reduce emissions and increase resilience to extreme weather events.
Southeast Asia: The once in a lifetime climate impact opportunity
We will be meeting across from Rockefeller Center from 2 pm to 5 pm, followed by a reception. Join us to learn about the big challenges and possible solutions in a relaxed setting. Apply to receive registration information. And a detailed program.
Altru Roundtable - Hydrogen. This session has limited space and is by application only for those with serious engagement in the hydrogen space. This session is a model of our programming planned for Davos January 2025. Small high level private discussion by leading global experts on topics of significance. Invitation by application only. Limited space.
This is the first of the Energy Future Consortiums we will be introducing, which has been in development.
Hydrogen Future. Roundtable discussion. A talk led by a leading investment fund manager Justin Milberg. who runs the world’s largest Hydrogen only long investment fund. Conversation the major driving factors in the Hydrogen business globally and the regulatory, economic and market factors. Limited attendance. Round table up to 12 participants. Observer status up to 15 participants. One hour session.​