December 16 - Altru Institute’s Climate Project has solidified its programming for its annual meeting in Davos/Klosters, Switzerland.

Core focus will be the launch of the Climate Platform, a global communications hub for those addressing the climate and energy crisis through technology and collaboration, and the presentation of some breakthrough technologies.
As Information Cooperative. It will combine functions offered by and LinkedIn to help innovators connect. It offers publishing and communications services to all those engaged in climate energy sustainability as well those who simply want to support the Altru Climate Project by helping fund research to find breakthroughs.
“Critical success factors are to find technologies that are globally scalable capable of near-term impact and then to build communities of those will and capacity to make an impact according to Brett Johnson, CEO. The Clubhouse at Davos Platz will host workshops on these topics and a venue for those interested to gather. Sessions planned:
Waste to Energy. Low-value waste products otherwise destined for landfills or incineration such as Wood Waste & Agricultural Products; Biosolids and Digestate & Compost can be converted into a blend of high value carbon negative renewable energy and biocarbon products such as Green Hydrogen and fertilizers. This takes a cost center and turns into a profit center providing clean energy for such applications as steel production.
Energy Storage. Graphene may be a breakthrough in energy storage. “Re-discovered” in 2004 by two University of Manchester scientists who received Nobel Prizes in Physics for their work in 2010. Numerous companies are now developing this technology to produce batteries that are safer, lighter, more powerful, and less expensive and as such could completely change the landscape energy storage.
Steel Production. The production of steel generates nearly 8% of CO2 emissions and is a major contributor to global warming. Altru Institute researchers are in a hunt to identify the best ideas to address this challenge. They are also following two important initiatives: the Mission Possible Partnership and the First Movers Coalition who we hope will us in this discussion. (see Altru News)
Research on this subject. Find everyone that is connected to Steel, Waste to Energy. Green Hydrogen production. There will be an opportunity to meet these companies. Attendance is by application only and is space limited.
Altru will be hosting meet ups and Salons in NYC beginning in early February for these communities at our facilities at Rockefeller Center.
To learn more about the sessions which are available by application only and provide access to explore the new platform.