Global energy demand is growing at a rate that makes the notion of the Paris Accords, and reduction in GHG emissions completely implausible. These agreements signed by countries from COP meetings simply can’t be met given the current situation.
The newest arrival to the energy demand is Artificial Intelligence. AI is a massive consumer of electricity. When added to the energy demand for emerging economies to raise their standard of living to match those of first-world economies the result is a one-two punch that will have the planet reeling. “On the ropes” to maintain the boxing metaphor.
The need is a Global Consortium of the key actors advancing solutions in the many areas of energy transition and conservation - a central clearinghouse that can improve communications among the problem solvers.
Civilization has never been here -- at a place where everyone on the planet is dependent upon everyone else. Global warming doesn’t recognize borders. The US can drop its GHG emissions by 17% and that doesn’t matter if China increases its emissions by 23%.

And emerging economies, hungry to raise their standards of living, have little concern about GHG. Feeding their families and electricity to provide light in the night is their focus. This is new territory, and we need new approaches for global collaboration. Unfortunately, we are at a time when there little global leadership or collaboration, rather we have wars.
Many terrific organizations and brilliant scientists are working hard to find solutions but there is little collaboration. Much like an orchestra filled with talented musicians. If not playing together in concert, the result is just noise, and cacophony. And no progress. This can change.
The need is a Global Consortium of the key actors advancing solutions in the many areas of energy transition and conservation - a central clearinghouse that can improve communications among the problem solvers.
The world doesn't need another NGO for climate. It simply needs to accelerate the progress the success of organizations that already exist by fostering collaboration by connecting the silos of interests. Orchestrate solutions.
Ultimately progress will come when breakthroughs become proven solutions in one market and can then be rapidly scaled to other markets and regions worldwide. Cross border technology transfer partnerships and joint ventures offer the greatest opportunity (the only opportunity) to address the growing energy demand without destroying the planet.
Altru Institute Climate Project, is now forming the Hydrogen Consortium, one-stop communications resource to improve the success of existing organizations via collaboration.